07 March 2024
Financial Statement Yearly 2023 (Audited) (the amendments to note of the financial statements no.19) (Revised)
07 March 2024
Clarification of the amendments to the financial statements for the year 2023 only on notes to the financial statements item19
04 March 2024
Notification of Dividend Payment and Schedule of 2024 AGM (Hybrid Meeting (Physical and e-AGM))
29 February 2024
Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2023
29 February 2024
Financial Performance Yearly (F45) (Audited)
31 January 2024
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committlee (F24-1)
01 December 2023
Notification of the Company's holiday for the year 2024
21 November 2023
Notification for connected transactions for service contracts
14 November 2023
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30 Sep 2023
14 November 2023
Financial Performance Quarter 3 (F45) (Reviewed)
14 November 2023
Financial Statement Quarter 3/2023 (Reviewed)
01 November 2023
Invitation to shareholders to propose an agenda and a qualified candidate for directorship of the Company for the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting for the Year 2024