Energy & Climate Change

Although the food and beverage industry help increases the reach of food and beverage at a wide rate. At the same time, it also increases the impact on climate change problems. Which is a situation that is a major global problem.

HaadThip as a manufacturer and distributor of beverage products have given importance and are well aware of the impact of our operations on the community and the environment. Therefore, we are determined to reduce the impact from our continuous business growth. With a policy to control and reduce energy consumption and the releasing of greenhouse gas emissions to meet international standards. Which has been monitor continuously from 2013 until the present to be part in driving Thailand to achieve its goal of global cooperation in addressing climate change.

Environmental policy
Energy Conservation Policy
Total GHG Emission (tCO2e)

- The 2023 target emission reduction target is in comparison to the based year 2019

We at Haadthip have developed a strategy for reducing the impact of climate change by managing greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, greenhouse gas emissions are assessed to determine factors that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Company and The Coca-Cola Company affiliated companies are currently working toward a common goal of reducing both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2030, based on 2015 and at least 2.5% per unit of production by 2023 based on 2019.

solar panels installed

Generated over

kW per year


Global warming has become a worldwide issue that affects all life on Earth, as well as the operations of businesses across various industries from upstream to downstream. HaadThip is fully aware of the current situation and has taken proactive measures to address and mitigate the potential impacts on its business. As part of our efforts to help solve this problem, the company has prioritized the search for new innovations and alternative energy sources that are both clean and sustainable.

One of the key projects initiated by HaadThip is the generation of electricity from solar energy through the installation of over 9,000 solar panels, including Solar Rooftop panels, On-Grid solar panels, and Solar Floating panels. This initiative not only contributes to pollution reduction but also leads to significant long-term operational cost savings and energy cost efficiencies, further demonstrating our commitment to adapting to and responding to climate change. This approach not only aids in environmental preservation but also enhances the company’s image as a sustainability-conscious business. HaadThip has also laid out plans to expand the installation of solar panels on office buildings and warehouses at the Hatyai Plant, with the goal of further promoting the use of clean energy as a replacement for coal-based energy. The company expects to increase the proportion of solar energy used to 20% by 2027.

Haadthip Initiative

Water Management

Water is a vital resource in our business operations, and managing it efficiently while minimizing waste is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of our company. Recognizing the importance of this, HaadThip has established dedicated teams to oversee water management and reduce resource loss. We've also set clear goals for improving our water management practices. As HaadThip relies heavily on groundwater for production, inefficient water use could not only hinder our business growth but also negatively impact the communities and ecosystems that share these water resources. To ensure sustainable water management and to reduce our environmental footprint, we regularly assess the risks associated with our water sources. These assessments are guided by The Coca-Cola Company's standards and are conducted in collaboration with experts from Prince of Songkla University every five years. Our water sources evaluation are under the standards set by the Department of Groundwater Resources and the Water Framework Directive (WFD). These evaluations help us monitor and analyze water conditions, both in normal times and during crises, allowing us to prevent and mitigate any potential impacts on our operations, the surrounding communities, and the environment. The most recent risk assessment revealed that the groundwater sources we use are located in a low-risk area and exhibit low levels of water stress.

Total water withdrawal (Cubic Meters)
Total treated Wastewater (Cubic Meters)

“Philanthropy” Rak Nam

Water is a significant factor in Life and community sustainability.

Water is also equally important for HaadThip as a primary ingredient of our product. Therefore we together with the Coca-Cola business group in Thailand, government sectors and local private sectors to initiated the project to contribute to the water stewarding and create awareness of the value of water resources with the goal to return water in quantities being brought back to the community and nature equivalent to the quantities which have been spending on business operation since 2009 until the present.



80 villages


4,000 households




check dams built



mountain water supply systems installed

Total water Storage Over

1,800,000 m3

water access




perennial tree planted




vetiver grass planted

Waste Management

'Packaging management is of utmost importance in the beverage industry. HaadThip as a producer and distributor of beverages that utilize plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles, we recognize that effective packaging management not only meets market and consumer demands but also contributes to sustainability and demonstrates corporate social responsibility. Therefore, the company has developed strategies and business plans aligned with the "World Without Waste" policy, which is a core vision of The Coca-Cola Company. In addition to this, HaadThip places a strong emphasis on addressing and mitigating the packaging waste crisis, particularly the impact of plastic waste. This commitment reflects the company’s genuine dedication to environmental restoration and its responsibility to society.

PET Packaging


fully recyclable

Aluminum Can

- 100% fully recyclable

- Over 90% of recycled aluminum content

Glass Bottle

45-65% of 90%

of recycled glass content







The Waste Separation Process

HaadThip has implemented a waste management strategy aimed at optimizing resource utilization while minimizing environmental impact. The plan includes setting a target to increase the recycling rate of waste and materials to over 90% and reducing general waste to less than 10% each year to promote waste recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills from production processes. Additionally, the company has developed a waste management guideline and provides training to employees to enhance their knowledge and understanding of effective waste segregation and management to reflect the company’s commitment toward social responsibility and sustainable environmental stewardship.

Recycled waste categorised by type
PET Collection Project

Under The Coca-Cola Company's World Without Waste vision of creating a world where our packaging does not end up as waste, HaadThip Public Company (Limited) has collaborated with Indorama Polyester Industries PCL, Zing Whor Thai Co., LTD and Jiu Long Thai Co., Ltd., the leaders in plastic and recycling industries in piloting an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) project in Thailand. Through this partnership, we provided support to help participating recyclers collect more bottles for proper recycling in 2020. As a result, approximately 14,000 tons of post-consumer PET bottles were collected, leading to a reduction of up to 32,000 tons of CO2 emission equivalence.